
ponedeljek, 1. december 2014

Advent calendar

I´m trying every year to make an Advent calendar for my kids. It is fun because I love crafts and it is so nice to see my kids so happy and thrilled when they open boxes.

Last year I have made penguins and ice cubes. 

This year I did something completely different. 
I bought wooden basis and I colored it and decorated it. 

I put in some candies, chocolates, some kids tattoos and fun tasks for whole family.

The tasks are:

- decorate the windows
- visit a pastry shop
- make a cartoon movie night 
- bake cookies and gingerbread house
- read Christmas stories.

Hope you like it.


nedelja, 30. november 2014

Christmas is coming....

It is the most beautiful time in the whole year! At least for me. 
Love the Christmas spirit, love decorating and crafting, love that family is close, love gifts and everything that come with it.

Today it is our first advent Sunday.
This year I decided to do a little different Advent wreath. 
It is my modern version. And I love it.

We light the first candle with the kids.

I did some Christmas cards already.
Here they are.

Tomorrow I will post my kids advent calendar that I made. 
So check my blog tomorrow if you are curious.

Have a nice evening,

sreda, 10. september 2014


It was long time that I didn´t write anything. It was busy avgust. 
Like I have mentioned in one of my previous post I was preparing some stuff for a wedding. And it was quite a lot of work.

Invitations that I made in June.

There was a lot of flowers to be done.

For cookie baskets

and thank you cards. In those they will put their wedding photo. 

I made some wedding rice cones.

And now we are going to have a wedding! 
Not mine! 
My boyfriend`s sister is getting married next year and the planning begins. 

Thank you for reading.

torek, 10. junij 2014

Charmmy kitty birthday party

We had the party yesterday.  
Danaja was celebrating her 5 birthday. It was loud and screaming girls party :D But it was fun!
The girls spent the most of  the time playing with horses- that is the most popular thing right now. 
And two houers has passed by like blink of an eye.
I did a lot of crafting like usual. The invitations, the banner,....

 I was so nervous because I decided to do some necklases for my daughter birthday and because it was everything last minute I did bratcles instead. Nervous because this was my first time making a jewelry. And I think I did kinda ok.

This paper cake she took to kindergarten for her friends.

That is all for tonight!


sobota, 7. junij 2014

Ben 10 birthday party

My son had his birthday in May. 
He chose a Ben 10 theme.
It´s odd but here you can´t found nothing to buy on that theme for birthday celebration, except some paper plates and napkins.
The invitations ware pretty simple.

And the banner...

Favor bags were filed with Pencil Sharpener because they are in school now and that so fun and useful.

This paper cake he took to school and it was filed with lollipops.
So they celebrated in school to.

Now I have to go back to crafting for our next birthday.
And it´s all pink. ;)

Have a nice Saturday!


četrtek, 5. junij 2014

Minnie mouse birthday party

Tokrat  je odločitev o temi zabave padla na slavljenko. Izbrala si je miki miško.
In ker je Anej za svoj 4 rojstni dan lahko povabil svoje prijatelje, jih je lahko tudi Danaja. Prvič je povabila svoje prijateljice iz vrtca. Razdelila jim je vabila:

In jaz sem se spet veselo spustila v delo. Tokrat je spremenjena "lokacija", ker smo ravno v tistem času delali fasado in smo imeli dejansko vse mogoče prostore zasedene z materialom. In smo se pač prilagajali.
Vsako leto se nekako držim enih smernic, kar je potrebno pripraviti. Včasih najdem ogromno stvari , ki jih lahko dokupim v stilu zabave, drugič spet nič. Zato se probam znajti in večino stvari izdelam sama. 

Tokrat sem cake popse naročila, ker mi enostavno čas ni dopuščal, da bi se sama spustila v tako "zahtevno" peko. 

Vsako leto slavljenka tudi svojim gostom podari majhno darilce v zahvalo za obisk in darilo. Tokrat so bile te majhne vrečke napolnjene z majhni prstani za prijateljice.

torek, 3. junij 2014

Cars birthday party/ avtomobilčki zabava

Naslednje leto sem se začela pripravljati spet dokaj hitro. Vsemu ustvarjanju sploh ni bilo konca. Vse je ročno izdelano. Spet smo povabili nekaj prijateljev iz vrtca, nekaj sorodnikov in zabava je bila odlična.

Slavljenec je tudi letos poklonil malenkost svojim prijateljem v zahvalo za obisk in darilo. V vrečke smo skrili